travel vacation super link


美国芝加哥机场是国际上最繁忙的机场之一,也是许多从中国来的探亲留学观光朋友的转机机场. 此文是Vivian为即将来美探亲的公公婆婆精心准备的来美旅途指南,详细地介绍了一路飞行,过关,机场等方方面面, 并附有实用的中英文短语.本站得到作者Vivian授权独家发表这份图文并茂的来美旅途指南. 做为编辑,我深深地感受到Vivian对父母长辈的一片真情和爱心.我们希望通过这份旅途指南,也能让您或您的父母一路平平安安,旅途愉快.




Dear Customs Officer:

My parents, Ms. xxxxxx, and Mr. xxxxxx, are traveling to the United States to visit me. We haven't met for two and a half years and miss one another very much.

My name is Xx, xx, and I am currently a doctoral student in Xxxx University. My home address is:
St. Louis, MO 63130
My telephone number is: (314) xxx-xxxx

My parents will leave the United States on May 1st., and they have booked the air tickets back to China.

My parents do not speak English. If you have any questions, would you please ask for help from an interpreter? My parents have all required documents with them.

My parents and I deeply appreciate your consideration and great help.

Sincerely yours,

(name signature)

This Chicago ORD Airport site was most recently updated on 04/20/05. Keywords: 美国芝加哥机场转机指南,旅游.