At least two days: One day for Sequoia and one day for Kings Canyon.
Giant Forest & Grant Grove -- a full day,
Crystal Cave -- a half day,
Moro Rock Trail -- a half day,
Mineral King -- a half day,
Cedar Grove and Kings Canyon -- a full day.
7 campgrounds at Sequoia,
Lodgepole, Potwisha, South Fork Campground are open year-round, others are open from May to
September, October.
6 campgrounds at Kings Canyon,
Azalea Campground is open year-round, others are open from May to
September, October.
Wilderness permits are required for all overnight camping outside designated campgrounds.
Permits could be reserved by fax or mail.
official backcountry homepage for more information.
All park campgrounds are in black bear habitat, and proper food storage is required.