Travel community is always a great place for traveler like you to share tips, information, experience, and story. The following are the most popular online travel communities.


Virtual Tourist Community

Over 500,000 members from over 219 countries, Virtual Tourist is the world's leading online travel community. Great place for travel tips and insights.

Lonely Planet Thorn Tree Forum

About 200,00 members, as same as its guide book, Thorn Tree Forum become independent travelers' popular community.

Trip Advisor Forum

Learn from your fellow travelers. Tap the TripAdvisor community to help get the most out of your next trip.

Frommer's Message Board

Share your travel experiences and memories.

Fodors Talking Travel Forum

A place for travelers to converse with other travelers.

Air Travel

Flyer Talk

The world's most popular frequent flyer community. Discussion Forums

The largest and most active aviation forums in the world.

All About Forum

Our TravelSuperLink forum, focusing on the US - China air travel.


Cruise Critic

Cruise travel message boards.

Cruise Addicts

An online community where you can join over 20,000 cruise lovers from around the world discussing all things related to Cruise Travel.

Cruise Mates

An independent cruise community not editorially affiliated with any travel agency or cruise line.

Theme Park

Disney discussion forums

The Internet's largest and friendliest disney community.

WDW Magic

Walt Disney World discussion forum, news, rumors, photos, reviews.


Gorp Community

Leading online community about active travel and the outdoor lifestyle.

Boating and Fishing Forums

The world's largest network for the discussion of Boating & Fishing.

Travel Deal

Fatwallet Travel Deal Forum

A popular forum for travel deal information sharing.

Fatwallet Travel Forum Elite Archives

Bidding For Travel

Resource for informed Priceline bidding, with message boards, FAQs, hotel lists, reviews.

Better Bidding

Hotwire and Priceline relating bidding forum.