A completed and signed copy of claim form (从 master或visa寄来的)
A copy of the account billing statement showing your credit limit, card type,
and the rental charges for the rental vehicle. (For security reasons, we do
not have access to your account) (记得保留当月的账单)。
A copy of the estimate/repair invoice (就是车行的账单,厚厚的一摞)
A copy of the rental agreement (front and back) (注意:open和close的greement
A copy of the police report, or rental agency’s accident report if the police
were not involved.(打电话叫车行fax就行了)
A copy of front and back of driver’s license
A copy of primary insurance declaration page (if applicable)。(就是自己的车保
A copy of the rental agency’s Fleet Utilization log.(打电话叫车行fax就行了)
Lost and Damage Waiver (LDWs) are provided by MC/Visa which are payment system, while Citi, Chase,
MBNA are issuers who bought a portofolio of accounts from MC/VC, so there is
NO WAY a specific issuer can tie a credit limit to card benefits. Only the
thresholds set by MC/Visa such as gold platinum can determine the level of
AMEX (美国运通卡)
另外,对于AMEX,不知道是不是所有的卡,不过大部分他们是不管loss of use的。如果
出事了,rental company是一定会charge loss of use的,rental company的平均修车时
。我清楚的知道我的一个朋友就被budget charge了loss of use,仅仅因为用了AMEX。
AMEX is both payment system and issuer. Amex has it own internal system
determing service level and profitability level of customers, and for its
better customers (Plats, Corporate, etc), service is OUTSTANDING. But if you
are cardmember of student, cashback, costco etc which are low on their scale,
you are given a separate TollFree number and the service is generally
用过Amex的premium car rental protection.
Amex每次租车(no more than 31 days)会自动多charge$19.95 or $24.95.
如果出了车祸或者Loss and Damage的话,Amex付租的车的维修费和乘客的
医疗费用(up to $50,000 or $100,000 depends on you pay $19.95 or $24.95).
The rental car insurance provided by the credit card companies is only
secondary insurance, meaning that if you have any other applicable insurance
policy, then the other insurance policy will cover the damages first. Hence,
for people who have collision/comprehensive coverage on their car insurance
policy, the credit card will only cover the deductable or any amounts above your own insurance coverage .