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Ben flajnik and courtney christian louboutin sale roberton not in a Their courtship was brief, but the road to the altar is going to be a lot longer.The bachelor’s ben flajnik and fiance courtney robertson aren’t in a hurry to get married and are taking their time to get to know each other.Will they really get married?Other than trista and ryan of the bachelorette, successful television match ups rarely stand the test of time. Despite being spotted at a runway show featuring wedding dresses, flajnik and robertson aren’t saying their”I dos”Just yet.He said,”Slowly but surely is kind of what we’re preaching here.No rush.It’s working out nice, kind of normal.We’re getting back to normal life. ” Was it a coincidence that they were attending a bridal fashion show with the cameras out in full force?Are they trying to do all they can to benefit from their 15 minutes of fame before the audience doesn’t care?Fans will have to christian louboutin outlet wait and see if ben flajnik and courtney robertson star in a wedding special, paid by abc of course.

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