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Bone health

Bone health>calcium:This mineral is most famously known for its bonestrengthening reputation, and with good reason:Calcium deficiency is a big cause of osteoporosis.When you eat cheese or drink milk, the calcium in those foods is absorbed through the small intestine into your blood;It eventually combines with phosphorus to louis vuitton outlet form hard, crystallike substances that contribute to strong bones and teeth.Most women fall short on recommended levels(1, 000 mg a day for women age 50 and younger;1, 200 mg a day for 51 and older)From diet alone, so supplements are usually recommended.More about calcium.

>Vitamin D:Unless you get adequate vitamin d, about half the calcium you take ends up down the toilet.The vitamin helps your body better absorb calcium from food.Most people don’t get enough d from sources such as food and moncler women jackets sunlight, and supplements are necessary(The vitamin is also linked to numerous other health benefits, including preventing cancer and heart problems).How much you need is up for debate, though;Many experts advise that the currently recommended levels of 400 iu daily are too low and that we need 1, 000 iu or more for optimal health.More about vitamin d.

In addition, vitamin c, magnesium, vitamin k, potassium, and phosphorus are each linked to better bone health.You can get your recommended intake of these from a combination of a regular multivitamin and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Your skeleton may hold one of the main keys to a long, healthy life.Weak bones put you at risk of slips, falls, and fractures, which can be way worse than they sound. (After a hip fracture, just 15% of patients can walk across a room without help after 6 months;25% require longterm care true religion fringe vest and may become disabled. )

In a nutshell, here’s how your skeletal system works:Throughout your life, bone cells called osteoblasts are continually adding new bone to your skeleton while cells called osteoclasts demolish old bone in order to supply the rest of your body with muchneeded calcium.After bone mass peaks around age 30, you start to lose 1 to 2% of bone a year;The pace accelerates to 3 or 4% annually in the first 5 to 7 years after menopause, when declining estrogen offers less protection against the osteoclasts that break down bone.

The good news is that there’s plenty you can dono matter how old you areto bolster your bones and prevent osteoporosis.In addition to the homepage here consuming certain boneboosting nutrients(More below), it’s important to not smoke, limit drinking, and exercise frequently(Including weightbearing exercise like aerobics or walking, and strengthtraining).

Also crucial is getting screened for osteoporosis, because one of the scariest things about this bonethinning condition is that it doesn’t cause symptoms and takes decades to develop.Ask your doctor when you need a bone Michael Kors Handbags Sale mineral density test(Some recommend them at age 65, some at menopause, and some even earlier if you’re at an increased risk).Common risk factors include a family history, broken bones as an adult, being caucasian or asian, a small frame, certain medications, or conditions that increases risk, such as inflammatory bowel disease or multiple sclerosis.

In addition, some of the best Clarisonic ways to keep your bones healthy include consuming proper nutrients and key supplements.Among them:

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