Puerto Rico,US Virgin Island Homework

Puerto Rico

开始做Puerto Rico,US Virgin Island的功课, 只有一个来月的时间了. 而且一定要在这个周末把所有旅馆, 租车都搞定. 很忙啊. 如有其他朋友也要去的, 请回贴或给我来信, 我可以给你开个写blog的功能, 大家一起做功课比较有意思吧~~ (不停更新中)

忙了一上午, 旅馆终于弄好了, 都是在hotwire上定的, 我有时间会写一个关于hotwire 定旅馆的经验及案例分析, 因为从之前的cancun到这一次, 我用hotwire已经很熟练了, 而且这一次定之前完全猜出来具体旅馆, 比如St Thomas的condo, 因为猜出了它们的名字, 我通过阅读别人的评价, 果断放弃了三星的condo而选择二星这家, 因为大家对它的好评如潮.

San Juan 12/18-21, InterContinental San Juan Resort Spa & Casino, 4 star, Hotwire bid, $428.33, review

St. Thomas 12/21-25, Crystal Cove Beach Resort on Sapphire Bay, 2 star, condo, Hotwire bid, Review.


Puerto Rico
Airport: San Juan SJU

Puerto Rico Official Tourism Website
Escape Puerto Rico : the most comprehensive guide to Puerto Rico. This site is updated every day to provide easy and timely access to information on travel, entertainment, and local business, plus government and community services.
Welcome Puerto Rita: background knoweledge of Puerto Rico.

Best to do region by region
What To Do In PR
Puerto Rico Surf Spots

Where To Stay


Island Adventures Biobay Eco-tours
Vieques, Puerto Rico

When to Go:
the climate is excellent year round. The peak tourist season is between December and April. The best time to avoid the crowds is the low season between May and November, which is also hurricane season (June-November).

Free Magazine:
Qué Pasa! magazine, a bimonthly magazine that extols Puerto Rico’s vast number of tourist attractions and natural wonders available throughout the island.

Some other magazines and guides to look for include: Tables Magazine, Places to Go, San Juan Guide, Bienvenidos and Go To Puerto Rico Travel Planner.

The local currency is US dollars. American Express, Visa, Master Card and Discover are accepted at featured hotels and most restaurants and shops. ATMs accepting U.S. bank and charge-cards are available in every city, usually with English and Spanish instructions.

Climate And Weather Forcast:

Marriage License Information:

Marriage license papers may be requested in writing from the Dept. of Health, Demographic Registry Office, Box 11854, Fernandez Juncos Station, Santurce, PR 00910 (allow 2 months) or call (787) 728-7980. Both parties must appear at the City Court office to purchase a marriage license. Persons 16-17 years of age must have the consent of their parents or legal guardians to marry. Blood tests are required.

Travel Story:
New York Times Puerto Rico Guide

US Virgin Island

Airport: STT
Airflight: SJU-STT, Carribbean Sun Airline, $125 ITA search price

  • 7:40am - 8:10am / 13:15pm/ 15:15pm/ 19:55pm leave (4 flights everyday, half hour flight)
  • 7:00am/12:50pm/14:05pm/ 18:45pm -19:15pm back
  • Ferry:
    Passenger ferries from St. Thomas to St. John depart from Red Hook (on the east side of St. Thomas) and Charlotte Amalie. Schedules are as follows:

  • Red Hook to Cruz Bay, St. John: 6:30 am and 7:30 am, then each hour 8 am to midnight
  • Cruz Bay to Red Hook, St. Thomas: Each hour, 6 am to 11 pm
  • Charlotte Amalie to Cruz Bay, St. John: 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm, 4:00 pm, 5:30 pm
  • Cruz Bay to Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas: 7:15 am, 9:15 am, 11:15 am, 1:15 pm, 2:15 pm, 3:45 pm
  • Water Taxi:
    Dohm’s Water Taxi

    US Virgin Island Official Tourism Website
    vinow/: VI online guide
    St John Guidebook


    St. Thomas Taxi Rate
    St. John Taxi Rate

    Other Resource:
    Caribbean Travel Forum

    Wayward Sailor

    Reef Bay Trail Hike

    USVI online

    Posted: November 12, 2005in:

    19 Responses to “Puerto Rico,US Virgin Island Homework”

    1. Troy Says:

      Fufu, 你要是能把住在intercontinental的时间改在周末,可以拿到差不多的钱 with alot of other benefits by becoming a InterContinental Ambassador such as one weekend night free, 3000 bonus miles for CO or 3500 for NW,
      5000 additional points certificate and a big trick, more than 45000 Priority Club points for that 3 nights stay and also, room upgrade!!!

    2. fufu Says:

      哇塞, Troy, 你回的贴子太激动人心了, 不过, 我还没太弄懂啊. 你是说要我参加什么intercontinental的club吗? 因为我都是在hotwire上定的, 还有你说的优惠条件吗? 还望告知详情, 我要是用不上了, 还可以帮助其它人. 多谢多谢.

    3. Troy Says:


    4. sisi Says:

      wow, I need to hurry up and learn more about it

    5. yacc Says:


    6. fufu Says:

      yacc, 多谢推荐, 还没太想好. 因为时间的关系, 我还没确定在Puerto Rica主要去哪些地方, 不过可以当个参考. 你今年要去吗?

    7. fufu Says:

      yacc, 今天看了一下, 多半会去vieques, 因为喜欢smallx曾经推荐过的Bioluminescent Bay, 是世界上最亮的,而且我看了, 我去的时间很好, 没月亮. biobay.com/

    8. siyuewu Says:

      fufu, PR的行程安排好了吗?我们1月cruise结束后打算在PR玩两天,除了biobay一定要去,其他活动还没决定,租车、住宿啥的也都还没定,想参考一下你的活动安排。

    9. fufu Says:

      siyuewu, 我的旅馆早就订了. 车也租了, 在priceline上bid的, base price $32. 其他行程我还在考虑, 不过biobay考虑再三放弃了, 以后再去, 因为我们去一次太贵了, 而且我想去的日子不开. 你要去的话一定要看看它的moon map, 确定你去的时候效果比较好, 因为我知道谁去看都比较贵. 至于其它行程, 我这周末回弄好, 到时候我会写在这儿的. 欢迎你也多和我们分享.

    10. siyuewu Says:

      fufu:你们从st. thomas 到 st john打算怎么走?ferry?还是试试smallx他们租那种小橡皮艇(英文名叫啥)?我在网上没找着这种小艇的信息(要不要预定,价位等等),你可知道?多谢哦。

    11. fufu Says:

      siyue, 我还没仔细研究那个, 估计不是橡皮艇吧, 应该是有动力的. 因为是在海里, 还是有一定risk的. 我估计胆子没那么大, 要是和你一起去估计胆子就有了. 呵呵, 所以我们多办是坐ferry了. 老话说, 欺山莫欺水嘛. 不过你真要喜欢的话应该可以去那儿租得到, 不会那么热门吧, 特别你们那时间.

    12. siyuewu Says:

      从他们的照片看就是个充气筏子加马达。嗯,本来想激情一把的,给你一说,还真有点怕了,我胆子也越来越小了:( 你在渡口的时候如果有时间,帮我留意一下吧,先谢过。

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    14. fufu Says:

      Jarvis, by my understanding, you try to ask sth about blog SEO? I think whatever you blog at blogger.com or other blog BSP, or you install your own blog system, content is still the king to achieve better ranking at google. for wordpress seo, wordpress 2.0 is good. google wordpress seo if you like to know more.

    15. Francisco Says:

      I stayed on the most beautiful apartment in Old San Juan www.stayinpr.com Check It out

    16. Haihai Says:

      Hi Fufu,

      Really wander how did you guess the hotels on Hotwire!

      Many thanks

    17. fufu Says:

      haihai, I wrote a very detail article talking about this.
      see travelsuperlink.com/hotwire and hotwire2

    18. Haihai Says:

      Thanks, fufu!


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