
更新: 我的xxb 也总算从dell 运出来了. 下个星期amazon的包也来了, 我就齐活了. 原来说周末好好拍拍, 用好新相机, 不过刚刚这周末和下周末都要有party, 看来要等memory day 才有时间了.

我的Canon 20D 机身来了一个多星期, 却一直没有镜头试. 原来上个月在dell订的xxb要推迟到这个月底才寄出来. 还好, 紧接着在B&H订的新鲜出炉的Tamron 17-50mm镜头今天按时来了, 下午特意请假在家里等, 装上Canon 20D的机身, 总算知道捧着DSLR的滋味了.

菜鸟, 其实我很早以前也玩过135/120相机, 中学的时候也躲在家里厕所里用自制的放大箱洗过黑白照片, 数字相机刚出的时候, 也因为我们家小的出生买了很早的Kadak 2M. 但我这个人对兴趣缺乏一种持续的热情, 就想烟酒对我一样,毫不上瘾的可能, 这对烟酒也许是好事,不过对hobby而言, 就少了一些玩家的味道. 所以我是一只飞不高的菜鸟, 一般对外只敢说拍照片,不敢说摄影.

菜鸟第一次用DSLR, 第一感觉是重, 比Canon G3重, 看来以后还要练臂力啊,否则端不住啊.

第二感觉是快, 快门的感觉太好了. 我那G3每次按快门, 都不知道什么时候快门动了.更不要说连拍了. 这一回儿, 世界全变了, 喜欢连续卡查的感觉.

第三是这回要想偷拍个MM什么的太困难了, 相机太起眼了, 根本没偷拍之说了. 看来以后真得弄件马甲, 复印个记者证, 以假乱真了.

不管如何, 晚上小的去playground, 我还是忍不住拎着拿出去找感觉了. 不过回来一看, 糊了不少, 毕竟是第一次, 还有些放不开的感觉, 大伙先凑合着看看吧. 明天争取用三角架拍稳一点再说.

Tamron 17-50mm镜头样片, 点击放大

1/125s, f/4, 50mm, iso 100

1/80, f/5.6, 20mm, iso 100

1/250, f/2.8, 42mm, iso 100

1/400, f/4, 44mm, iso 100

1/125, f/4, 50mm, iso 100

Posted: May 20, 2006in:

4 Responses to “菜鸟玩Tamron”

  1. Ming-Bo Liu Says:

    I assume it is the new Tamron SP AF17-50MM F/2.8 XR Di II LD lens.

    A lot of people are waiting for sample pictures from this lens.

    Take some good pictures. Write down what f-stop was used. Post the full JPEG file somehow.

    Thank you.
    Ming-Bo Liu

  2. fufu Says:


    yes, all pictures are taken by this new Tamron len, and I upload them at flickr, can you see the exif information from the pictures? you can click to see actual pixel pictures.

    I will take more later, and try to put some exif information with the pictures. Thanks for your suggestions and have fun.


  3. Ming-Bo Liu Says:

    I see the exif info now. Flickr does bring up the big picture. But picture is blurred and can not tell if the lens is sharp or not.

    Looking forward for more pictures.


  4. fufu Says:

    MingBo, //blush, I think I need a tripod to take some shots. I guess I am not holding the camera firmly when I took those pictures, so the pictures are not sharp enough.

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