Clam Digging (挖蚬子)

Razor Clam

去Alaska有一项特殊的活动, Clam Digging, 是非常有意思的, 我查了我要去的那几天潮水, 是著名的大潮, June 26-27早上十一点左右, 简直是挖蚬子的天赐时机, 为了让有兴趣的同学了解更多信息, 我摘一段Lonely Planet上面的介绍(是我看到比较详细的).

To go clamming, you first have to purchase a sportfishing license (a one-day visotor’s license is $10, and a seven-day license is $30). The daily bag limit is 60 clams. While the clamming’s good from April to August, the best time is July, right before spawning. And though you can dig for clams anytime the tide is out, the best clamming is during extra-low, or ‘minus’ tides. The most extreme minus tides occur every two weeks.

For equipment, you will need a narrow bladed clam shovel that can either be purchased or , if you donot feel like hauling it around all summer, rented at many lodges and stores near the clamming areas. You will also want rubber boots, rubber gloves, a bucket and a pair of pants to which you are not terribly attached.

Where to Go:

Clam Gulch
this is the most popular and many say most productive spot by far. The Clam Gulch State recreation Area is a half-mile from Mile 118 of the Sterling Hwy, where there is short access road to the beach from the campground.

The best bet is to camp at Ninilchik View State camground, located above the old village of Ninilchik, from there , you can walk to beaches for clamming.

Deep Creek
Just south of Ninilchik is the Deep Creek State Recreation Site, where there is camping and plenty of parking along the beach.

Whiskey Gulch
look for the turnoff at about Mile 154 of teh Sterling Hwy, Unless you have a 4WD vehicle, park at the elbow-turn above the beach.

Mud Bay
On the east side of the Homer Spit is Mud Bay, a stretch abundant with Eastern soft-shells, cockles and blue mussels. SOme surf clams and razor clams can also be found on the Cook Inlet side of the Spit.

挖蚬子之类的赶海活动在家乡我小的时候还非常盛行, 每当退大潮的时候海滩边总是人头攒动. 那时候生活条件还不好, 花点时间弄些螃蟹蚬子海紅等免费海鲜, 大家乐此不疲, 小孩子就更不用说了. 可惜没多久, 海边的污染就变得越来越厉害, 我初中时候的一次海边生吃牡俐最终以急性肠胃炎收场, 让我彻底断了赶海的念头.

德州墨西哥湾的活虾海钓多少钩起了些家乡海边的感觉, 这一回去Alaska, 应该让我重新找回童年赶海的感觉吧. 我挖, 我挖, 我挖挖挖… 不写了, 流口水中…

Posted: June 13, 2006in:

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