
呵呵,我这个业余小站主要还是从兴趣出发的。如果没有兴趣,就很难坚持这么久了。当然还要多谢大家的捧场。也希望有机会Alexa ranking再向上冲一冲。:)

1) www.huaren.us
category: social networking
alexa ranking: 16212
PR: 4
monetization: ad
history: MITBBS ID ppww (?, not 100% sure about it) founded the website, a lot of famous IDs followed him and disppeared from MITBBS.

2) www.faceren.com
category: social networking
alexa ranking: 36959
PR: 0
monetization: unknown, I’m not a member
history: a harvard student (maybe with some other friends) founded the websites and advertised heavily in all CSSA websites and MITBBS.

3) www.shenghuonet.com
category: social networking
alexa ranking: 49987
PR: 5
monetization: ad, and maybe yellow pages?
history: a local Boston ppl attracted bbsers from boston board, now it’s getting known in local area, the website is also opennign new york branch.

4) www.tedjob.com: just found this one.
category: job search
alexa ranking: 67567
PR: 7. highest PR I have ever seen on MITBBS
monetization: ad
history: founded by genpichong, good luck

5) www.bayareadragon.com
caterogy: social networking
alexa ranking: 113212
PR: 3
monetization: unknown, yellowpages?
history: unknown, loal SF chinese networking site, which got a lot of exposure during “eric zhou” event.

6) www.travelsuperlink.com
category: travel
alexa ranking: 139296
PR: 5
monetization: ad, not sure if they charge fees on travel agents
history: MITBBS ID fufu founded the website, got a lot exposures among MITBBS IDs.

7) kzeng.info/
category: blog
alexa ranking: 245478
PR: 6
monetization: ad
history: MITBBS ID kzeng founded the website, most of his traffic is referred by his posts on MITBBS I guess

lessons learned:

1) 中国人太多了,随便搞个popular一点的网站都能在客流量上beat老美的网站
2) mitbbs的客流量太大了,这里的很多网站一开始都是从mitbbs发家的
3) 灌水也能灌出个popular的网站出来:kzeng.info
4) MITBBS要是能更好的monetize,能beat很多上市公司。

Posted: January 23, 2007in: