Switzerland /Italy Homework


Car Parking:
10.5/day at Lauterbrunnen

Golden Pass Line

Glacier Express


Swiss HalfFare Card 110瑞法的半价卡, 去了瑞吉山(Mount. Rigi)、铁力士山(Mount. Ttilis)、少女峰(Jungfrau)、雪朗峰(Schilthorn)、FIRST、马特宏峰,所以算下来半价卡是非常合适的。 购买地点就在苏黎世机场的SBB柜台。

Coop and Migros; in Switzerland you just take a free table. You do not need to wait to be seated.


Schynige Platte(徐尼格观景台)。据说这里是眺望少女峰的最佳之地

Lake Geneva


Posted: April 3, 2013in:

Tahiti 功课


Posted: October 10, 2012in:

Port Aransas Spring Break

Austin - Port Aransas
take the 183/77 - Luning - Gonzales - Refugio - FM2678 - Aransas Pass

Port Aransas Restaurant:

Beach and Station Street Grill
235 Beach, Port Aransas, TX 78373

Cafe Phoenix
229 Beach St., Port Aransas, TX

Avery’s Kitchen
200 W Ave G, Port Aransas, TX 78373

Fisherman’s Wharf
900 Tarpon Street, Port Aransas, TX

Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center
Ross Avenue behind the Trolley Stop, Port Aransas, TX

Aransas Pass, TX
218 East Goodnight Avenue, Aransas Pass, TX 78336
They are only a market now and will boil shrimp. Not a restaurant any longer.

Corpus Christi, TX
Snoopy’s Pier (*****)
13313 S Padre Island Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78418-5910

Yoshi Japanese Cuisine
5898 Everhart Rd, Corpus Christi, TX

Posted: March 8, 2012in:

Chile 行程最后的长途车计划

28/12/2011: Santiago - night bus - Puerto Varas (12 hours)
Turbus: 19:15 Term Alameda - 7:45am $44300 Salon Cama
Pullman Bus: 17:00 Term Borja - 6:20am $22100 Semi
Try to get a seat on the left-hand side of the bus for views

Alternate: Santiago - night bus - Puerto Mont

29/12/2011: Lake Crossing from Puerto Varas at 08:15 hrs from our offices
in Del Salvador St 72 infront of the Casino Puerto Varas
PULMAN BUS COMPANY is about 4 blocks far from Our offices.
Another bus company is TURBUS, located in the same street of our offices and about 8 blocks far from our offices.

2/1/2012: Ferry to Chiloe

30/12/2011: Bariloche - daily bus - Puerto Varas
Via Bariloche ?

Tas Choapa:
9am - Osomo then Osomo - Puerto Varas

5/1/2012: Puerto Varas - daily bus - Villarrica /Pucon
12:50 17:50 Clasico Local 05/01/2012 05/01/2012 7.700 Pto.Varas Jac
14:25 19:35 Clasico Local 05/01/2012 05/01/2012 7.700 Pto.Varas Tnal.
14:35 19:35 Clasico Local 05/01/2012 05/01/2012 7.700 Pto.Varas Jac

8/1/2012: Villarrica Bilbao - night bus - Santiago
21:10 06:50 Salon Cama 08/01/2012 09/01/2012 37.700
21:10 06:50 Long Space 08/01/2012 09/01/2012 23.100

08/01/2012 20:30 Terminal Villarrica TERM. ALAMEDA 09/01/2012 06:05 $ 18.100 Semi Cama
08/01/2012 20:30 Terminal Villarrica TERM. ALAMEDA 09/01/2012 06:05 $ 30.000 Salon Cama


Posted: December 19, 2011in:

Chile Lodging Reservation

MG Apartments Downtown
2night, booking.com $66/night

Grand Hotel Bariloche - no room,

Hotel Ayres De Nahuel
2nights, US$ 223.52 AR$ 940.00 - expensive. +21% tax = $270 booking.com

Puerto Varas
Fox Hill Bed and Breakfast
2 nights, $190 venere.com

30.000/night ~$60/night



Ancud Chiloe

Cabañas y Hospedaje QUIMEY GNECHEN

Posted: October 19, 2011in:

Bariloche 的功课



Posted: October 9, 2011in:


blog.163.com/ywei_102/blog/static/165833… (more…)

Posted: October 8, 2011in:


Due to the Cruce Andino raise the cost from $230 to $280 in 2012 (crazy!), I am going to adjust my itineraries as the following:

Option III
Day 1: Santiago
Day 2: Valparaiso - Vina Del Mar -Santiago
Day 3: Santiago - night bus to Puerto Varas/Puerto Mont (14 hours)

Day 4: Cruce Andino Puerto Varas -> Bariloche (Argentina)
Day 5: Bariloche (Argentina)
Day 6: Bariloche (Argentina) -> daily bus to Puerto Varas - hire a car - Puerto Varas

Day 7: Frutillar - Puerto Varas

Day 8: Puerto Varas -> ferry -> Chiloe Ancud
Day 9: Isla Chiloé - Ancud - Cascho
Day 10: Isla Chiloé - Quellon - Cascho
Day 11: Isla Chiloé. - drive back -> Puerto Varas return the car -> Pucon

Day 12: Pucón
Day 13: Pucón
Day 14: Pucón - Santiago night bus
Day 15: Santiago (fly home)

Posted: September 18, 2011in:


下一次回国,应该去九寨沟转转。网上看来的行程。 (more…)

Posted: July 17, 2011in:

New Zealand Homework

official tourism site -Royal Tour Itinerary

Auckland (AKL) ChristChurch (CHC)

【North Island 北岛】

Auckland—-Bay of island—-Paihia—-90Miles beach—-Cape reinga



萤火虫洞Waitomo Caves (奥克兰向南193公里)

陶波湖属于远近闻名的大景区,旅行团也偏多,所以尽量提前预定酒店。Taupo 湖是北岛垂钓天堂
HUKA PRAWN PARK 门票—— 成人28刀。所以!!!你钓的多才能赚回本啊 陶波虾是蓝色 折腾了2小时,一共就这俩货 本来如果你成果喜人的话,直接拿来餐厅交给服务员,就吃上免费大餐了 吃不上免费的,点餐就价格不菲了。1斤是49.5刀1公斤是98.5刀都会配一份素饼。

觉得繁华便捷不如奥克兰,宁静美丽又比不上小镇。总之有点四六不靠的意思……而且惠灵顿城市中地势高低落差较大,所以道路通常狭窄弯曲,看起来很没有大城市的“端庄” 一走一过吧
在惠灵顿乘坐红色单轨缆车(RedCableCar)是我觉得最值得体验的一个活动!缆车由市区的LambtonQuay发车,终点站为植物园(BotanicGardens)。虽然缆车路线全长只有610米,但是深受世界人民的喜爱。登上植物园(BotanicGardens),再走过花园,不到一个小时便能回到市区。强烈建议大家买单程,因为终点处的Botanic Gardern真心太美!!你完全可以沿着花园一路下山,下山后刚好是离市政大厅不远的核心主街。


南北岛渡轮( FERRY )攻略

有两家往返惠灵顿(Wellington)和皮克顿(Picton)之间的轮渡公司,蓝桥公司(Bluebridge)和岛际公司(Interislander),轮渡还可以运送你的随行车辆。 从美丽的惠灵顿(Wellington)港口出发,经过弯弯曲曲的海谷,到皮克顿(Picton),或相反。全程大概3个小时。
岛际公司 每天3躺船。分别是早上10:30, 下午1:00,晚上6:30

【South Island 南岛】 西海岸地区:Wellington—-Picton(Ferry)—-Nelson—-Westpot—-Hokitika—- Franz Josef(Fox Glacier)—-Wanaka—-Arrowtown—-Queenstown
 (Milford Sound)—-Te Anau
—-Duendin—-Burkes Pass—-Oamaru—-Lake Tekapo
—-Mt. Cook


尼尔森 NELSON(距PICTON 107公里)世界上日照时间最长的城市,无论你什么时候来,这里都会激发你所有的探险细胞。 客栈廉价而美好
Horse Treks(GOLDEN BAY区) Horse treks 通常分为——海滩,森林,河谷,三种方式。海滩最贵,依次递减。然后从时间上又分为,全天,半天,2小时体验……几种。当地的信息中心有很多这些服务公司的简介,你可以上官网查看到价格。大概从80-200刀不等。

Westport (距NELSON 240公里)这里本身没什么可看的。略有名气是因为有个海角,可以看到一片很大的海豹栖息地。距离很远,不允许走近。

冰川Franz Josef Glacier(GREYMOUTH向南173公里)由于是在西海岸,经常下雨,所以并不总是能赶上晴天可以上冰川进行徒步

就在小镇20-30公里处,隐秘在一片原始森林里,倒也有点情趣 温泉来自于冰川融水,因此泉水呈现淡蓝色

瓦纳卡 WANAKA(冰川向南160公里)
迷宫世界 Puzzling World 古灵精怪的主题公园

大名鼎鼎皇后镇 QUEENSTOWN(距WANAKA 70公里)
在新西兰,我只在2个城市遇到了旅行团——大名鼎鼎的皇后镇,和一样大名鼎鼎的特卡波(Tekapo)。所以皇后镇更像新西兰南岛的一个旅行集散地城市。很多人走到这里时,已经看过了太多的美景,身体和眼睛都需要休息一下。而皇后镇刚好满足了这种需求 这里有数不清的美食,有24小时不打烊的夜生活,有世界各地的背包客,有你想要的一切旅行咨询,有跳伞、滑雪、喷气船等任你选的极限运动

【住宿推荐–absoloot value accommodation】

高空跳伞 SKY DRIVING 皇后镇跳伞有2家大公司,最大的Nzone跳伞点离Queenstown最近,也最有名气。

世界最刺激的喷气快艇,行驶区域主要在Shotover River上,以快艇自由穿梭于狭窄的岩石峡谷里为特色。25-30分钟的快艇行程,360度旋转,绝对让人精神振奋。

卡瓦劳大桥蹦极中心 Kawarau Bridge Bungy Centre
Kawarau Bridge 是蹦极的发源地,垂直高度43米,风景绝佳。又分头入水,和半身入水。。。。
跳一下 好像是180纽跳一下+买视频一共是225纽。观看最好的视角是在桥边上的观景台上。在这里你即便不跳也可以来围观别人蹦极。而且看别人受罪和各种逗比总是特别欢乐的事情。

+奥克兰天空塔的Sky Walk,192米高空教你重新学步。









新西兰3大超市,countdown,newworld,Pak’n Save,第一个最多,第三个最便宜(仓储式)


Posted: June 5, 2011in:

Dominican Republic 的功课




Punta Cana is on the East Coast.. spectacular beaches stretched out for miles.. Bavaro Beach, the longest, Macao Beach, Uvero Alto Beaches. Bavaro Beach is the most famous beach there, with white sand for miles, and blue water, although parts of it can be a little wavy too.. the most southern part of the beach as the calmest water.. Right around the Barcelo Bavaro complex.. There are over 55 All Inclusive hotels in that part of the island, and more are being built.. there are non All Inclusive coming too.. The hotels built are becoming more and more upscale and luxurious as more people discover the Punta Cana beaches, and spread the word.

The South Coast of the island is the most quiet.. at this point.. I don’t think it will be for long, as more people will be discovering the pristine beaches of the Caribbean, and crystal clear, calm waters, perfect for snorkelling. La Romana and the Bayahibe area is also known for the spectacular sunsets on the water. There are Catalina and Saona Islands, where you can enjoy the unspoiled natural beauty af a tropical paradise, you can visit historical site of Altos De Chavon, gorgeous property built on the cliffs, overlooking the Chavon river.

From there you can take a trip to Santo Domingo, the capital city. There are great hotels there where you can stay and enjoy a big city vacation

The North Coast is great.. busy and active, with great beaches, and great affordable resorts. The sand is not white, but amber in colour, the water is clean, but not the turquoise Caribbean blue so many tourists are looking for..

Playa Dorada in Puerto Plata is the most popular resort complex.. But there is also Sosua and Cabarete, great little towns where you can experience more of the local culture and see how the locals live and work. The towns get into the party mode at night, but you do have to be careful.. you are a tourist in a foreign country..

Cabarete is a windsurfer’s paradise.. Constant breeze attracts many people from all over the world.. waves are incredible. There are many budget hotels there that are All Inclusive, or condos where you can make your own food. There is a lot of souvenir shopping and bars and restaurants right on the beach.. you can have a dinner under the stars right on the beach.

Sosua is built around a small bay with great views. There are several All Inclusive hotels there, and smaller condos.. there are plenty of restaurants and bars where food is pretty affordable, there are also nicer restaurants, if you have special dinners planned.. The beach is light honey colour, most of the time there are no waves, as the beach is protected by the reefs not too far from the shore. Snorkelling is great there, you can rent the equipment from many vendors on the beach, and enjoy the underwater world.

Both in Sosua and Cabarete you can rent the lounge chairs on the beach, they are very affordable.. you can make friends with the Dominican people, who are very warm and welcoming.

Condé Nast Traveler magazine said in a article about winter vacation destinations titled ” More Sun for less Money” that the Samaná peninsula is one of the 25 best locations in the world. There you can find unspoiled beaches, coconut-covered mountains, tropical rain forests, and most importantly internationally known whale-watching. That area will be developing as well much to the disapointment of some naturalists, who love their quiet and peaceful vacations there.

The Dominican Republic is a large country in the second largest island in the Caribbean (Hispaniola). Depending on which airport you fly into you may be able to access different parts of the country easily.

Santo Domingo is the capital and the first city of the “New World”. It offers some great historical sites and dining/nightlife.

To the East of Santo Domingo are the famous beaches of Punta Cana perfect for a holiday of white sand, palm tree lined beaches.

The center of the island is home to “Pico Duarte” - the highest mountain in the entire Caribbean. It’s excellent for hiking.

The North Coast, or Amber Coast, of the Dominican Republic offers beautiful beaches in Puerto Plata, Sosua, and Cabarete. Cabarete is a kiteboarding and windsurfing capital of the world, one of the best places on earth to practice these fun water sports.


If you are in Santo Domingo for just one day and one night, you are in the perfect area. Since you have just 1 day I woud visit (all in walking distance) The 3 big historical attractions are

-The cathedral (first cathedral in the Americas)
-Museo de las Casa Reales
-Alcazar de Colon.

Then explore El Conde (the pedestian street right outside your hotel door), enjoy a nice restaurant in the zona colonial.


A good guide to Santo Domingo is the one published by DR1. It is free and found in many business establishments in the capital, and can also be downloaded and viewed in it’s entirety for free at dr1guide.com It’s tagline says it all. “The tourist guide that treats you like a local” it’s full of information on transportation, shopping, attractions, etc.

Boca Chica is not a place I would recommend. The ‘feel’ is not right. It has a dangerous atmosphere I did not sensed anywhere in DR. And it had quite some prostitution as well. The beach is not pretty compared to other places.

I think Mercado Modello is an interesting place to check out local stuff (yes, some junk) and experience that kind of market.

the new highway was built for easy access to samana peninsula , once you enter the Samana highway there is nothing but the gas station

La Romana

Water conditions are extremely better in this area though. Specially in the Dominicus area.

Is much more clearer, transparent, turquoise, and much CALMER than Punta Cana. Some days almost like a pool!. Not one wave, even small ones.
You see many many fish right at the beach and if you bring bread you’ll be able to feed them from your hands.

If you want to be in the touristy area the Punta Cana would be the best. If you want to experience more of the local life then Bayahibe Dominicus is the place to go. You can still stay in a nice All inclusive resort while you can easy access the local village.

Round trip: AUS, IAH to PUJ, AZS, EPS, LRM, STI,SDQ , POP,


the Iberostar beach area is way calmer than the rough surf in Cortecito, where the Palladium is located.

the Budget Resorts like the Grand Oasis/Be Live, Natura Park, Barcelo Dominican Beach, Carbela Beach Resort,Occidental Grand Flamenco, Tropical Princess/Caribe Club Princess, VIK, Gran Paradise Bavaro, Barcelo Punta Cana.

tripcentral.ca gives a grid showing prices and you can narrow it down by month and resort.

Car Rental


I have known two “tourist” people who had accidents in rental cars. Nothing serious. Maybe $1000 max in damage to the moto concho and car combined. None of them went to jail. No one was ever charged the full price of the car. The police talked to the car rental people and made sure their was full coverage and in one case they asked for their passport for a couple days till things got sorted out. The police also verified where the driver was staying. If you use the right credit card for the rental even the deductible is covered. If you rent from National or Avis or one of the International companies you will bemore protected than if you rent from a local non name type. If you drive defensively you should be OK. I have driven in Montreal and NY and drive here for 3.5 years. I think I prefer driving here!


Mitsubishi Outlander 6px is $105/day

Car Rentals
Major car rental companies have airport, hotel and city locations. Do not cut corners when choosing your rental car service. Also take out the extra insurance plan that is available. If you suffer an accident that dents your car, for instance, the insurance will prevent delays or hassles. All you will have to do is visit the nearest police station and declare the accident. To do so, have the other party accompany you, or just take his name, insurance company, license number, cedula and car registration (license plate) number. A valid driver’s license and major credit card is required to rent a car for up to 90 days. You must be at least 21 years old.

Driving is on the right hand side and the speed limit is 60 kph in the cities and up to 100 kph on the highways, unless otherwise indicated. Getting around the DR is easy on a network of highways that branch out from Santo Domingo, the capital city. Roads inside towns and cities may not be in perfect condition so watch for large holes and oversized speed bumps.

Domestic travel times
Santo Domingo-Puerto Plata 3-1/2 hour
Santo Domingo-Santiago 1-1/2 hours
Santo Domingo-Jarabacoa 1-1/2 hours
Santo Domingo-Constanza 2 hours Santo Domingo-Boca Chica 1/2 hour
Santo Domingo-Juan Dolio 40 minutes
Santo Domingo-Bayahibe 2 hours
Santo Domingo-La Romana 1-1/2 hours
Santo Domingo-Punta Cana 3-1/2 hours
Santo Domingo-Samana 4 hours or 2 hours on toll road
Puerto Plata-Samana 3-1/2 hours
Santo Domingo-Barahona 3 hours


If you go to Bayahibe, I highly recommend you take the 45-minute boat ride to Saona Island and/or visit Isla Catalinita.

Reaching Isla Saona is easiest via Bayahibe, where there are a number of independent excursion vendors. A reasonable price to expect for a ride from Bayahibe to Isla Saona is about RD$1,000–2,000 per person.

La Piscina Natural, or Palmilla, as it’s sometimes called, is a starfish-dotted sandbar in the waters between the Parque Nacional del Este and Isla Saona coastlines. Excursion boats whisking their customers to and from Isla Saona make a stopover in this spot where, more than a kilometer off the coast, one can wade around in clear water that never gets above the waist. It is a unique experience to be able to walk in the Caribbean Sea so far from land.

Full Day Saona and Catalinita (Including buffet and drinks). 79.00/pp

Two Islands tour, $95/pp

Caribbean Festival
Sharks, Stingrays, and Sunshine

Punta Cana drive around tour; we can DIY.

this is an idillic place in the middle of Los Haitises, they provide tour with lunch included at the hotel followed by a dip in the refreshing waterfalls that surround it.

Dolphin Explorer
>$100/pp, expensive tour, but kid may like it.

Bavaro Runners Safari Adventures
We had a great time on this trip. The driver was great, as was our tour guide “munchie”, safe vehicles. You get to see sugar cane field, tobacco, and how they are made and processed into rum. You also see the mountains, and experience a nice dominican style lunch. You also see a school, visit a beautiful beach, and a typical dominican home, where you get to try fresh coffee, coco, etc. Very neat trip for people who enjoy culture and adventure, i highly recommend it! I do however feel like this trip wouldnt be good for kids, its a nice couples trip, but kids will get bored, unless they enjoy culture etc.

Horseback Riding Punta Cana
Secrets Excellence has sunset horseback ride
El Pat Ranch. We booked it through our rep at the hotel.$50 US for a two hour ride along the beach.
Rancho El Diferente

Parque nacional los haitises (NP @Sabana de la Mar)

Paraíso Caño Hondo (Sabana de la Mar, tel. 809/248-5995, cell 809/889-9454,
Tours start around US$45 (including guide, lunch, and entrance fee).

The road from Miches to Sabana de la Mar is notoriously horrendous. You will need an SUV and a strong stomach. If you still insist on driving it on your own, just don’t drive at night since drivers tend to swerve to avoid potholes, sometimes without headlights!

Samana Peninsula

El Salto del Limon
waterfall, horseback riding uphill, need to pick a nice stable.

Terry at toursamanawithterry@hotmail.com
La Playita is one of the best places on the whole peninsula to snorkel.The food at the beach restaurant is very good with fresh fish as their specialty.

the Devil’s blowhole
prices of some souveniers


All colmados and supermarkets will sell Dominican rum and it will be cheaper here than on the beach. IMO the best is Barcelo Imperial. The most popular is Brugal. They sell it in small bottles and it makes a good present. Another option is Dominican coffee - eg Cafe Santo Domingo.

The main tourist market is on Avenida Mella (just north of the Zona Colonial and is called Mercado Modelo - (referred to above as the balck market - never heard of it described as that). It has many stalls inside mostly selling stuff from Haiti. At the back are various stalls selling potions etc related to santeria.

The main things we buy when we are there are from the supermarket - coffee, rum and cigars + the local music - merengue.

Santo Domingo is a city for shoppers
The Mercado Modelo at Avenida Mella, a farmer’s market turned into giant gift shop, offers the largest selection of handicrafts. Several gift shops are located on Arzobispo Merino and Isabel la Catolica in the Colonial City. Shopping venues are located in the 27 de Febrero to Gustavo Mejia Ricart environs, including Plaza Central, Plaza Lama, Plaza Naco, Americana Departamentos, Hache, Acropolis, Plaza Bolera, Cuesta, Bella Vista, Diamond large stores.

Horseback riding at Punta Cana
Rancho El Diferente. They sell the rides on the property at Dreams Punta Cana and other hotels, but even if they don’t sell them directly through your hotel they can be reached by e-mail at ranchoeldiferente@hotmail.de or at (809) 552-6322, (809) 342-1639 and (809) 498-3482.

el pat ranch, a little bit expensive.
pandora ranch, horse is not in good shape.
Rancho Caribeno - recently recommend

— Appendix —
Barahona-Enriquillo Coastal Highway

This is perhaps the most splendidly scenic highway in the Caribbean, exceptional in its views of a multi-colored sea, untamed stretches of dense forest, sparkling rivers and towering green mountains. Visitors to this area are few and the simple ways of traditional village life may be glimpsed along the route. Wave to the residents and they will smilingly wave back. It’s a lush landscape of brilliant greens, complemented by millions of graceful yellow butterflies and the melodies of innumerable birds.

In Boca Chica, the main shopping strip is one block up from and parallel to the beach. It’s only about 5 or 6 blocks long, but it has everything you need to take back home: rum, cigars, artwork, crafts etc.


I will suggest 4PUJ-3Bayahibe-3PUJ for hotels.
suggest car rental for 5 days in the middle of trip.
Interested tour:
day 1 - arrive
day 4 - Road trip PUJ - Sabana del la Ma, NP Los Haitises
day 5 - Catalina island tour
day 6 - two islands tour
day 7 - St Domingo road trip (option)
day 8 - sunset horse riding at beach
day 11 - fly home

Posted: September 6, 2010in:

Panama 功课


The Ten Top Things Do and See Nearby Panama City
The Top Ten Things to Do and See in Panama City

Dry season takes place in most of the country from December to April

Snorkeling/Diving in the Pacific, from west to east: the Chiriqui Gulf National Marine Park (Secas, Ladrones, Paridas), Coiba, Isla Iguana, Las Perlas.

In the Caribbean: Bocas (north west of Panama) and Colón (Portobelo, Isla Grande) have some really cool places but as someone already said: visibility won’t be good when it’s raining. So for Bocas (and the Bastimentos Marine National Park), which is in the Caribbean you’ll have good visibility in January, February, March, September and October. Not sure about Colón.
The city of Colon can be very dangerous, is best to avoid.

Panama Travel Blog

Fresh And Cheap – Panama City’s Seafood Market

Typical rental of a Toyota Yaris in Panama

Rent per day - $16-20
Liability - $12/day - required
Phyisical damge - another $12 -16 per day
comes with $1,000 - 2,000 deductable
Deductable coverage - $6 day
So a posted rate or $15/day can easily turn into $45/day plus tax.
Your cc may cove physical damage, your US car insurance won’t.

Do two things when you rent the car: 1) Get the American Express international, wherever-you-rent insurance coverage. While the rental cars are cheap, the required insurance is not. It will triple or quadruple your bill. Go with AmEx, but read the fine print about things like gravel roads. 2) Make sure you walk around the car with the inspector when you rent the car. Make double sure he marks ever infintisimule nick and ding on the car … especially the windshield. Biggest scam: a nick in the windshield or a scratch below the front bumper and you’ll be buying the new one at three times the cost of one in the states.

Driving from Panama to Bocas will take you about 10 hours. Going over the corridor is breathtaking for its scenery, especially with your first glimpses of the the emerald green waters and the islands of Bocas del Toro. But, it is a very, very long haul and extremely tiring.

The drive from Boquete - if you are staying there - to Almirante (mainland jumping off spot to Bocas del Toro) is beautiful & interesting. It is probably one of the nicest routes - for scenery - in the country. My suggestion would be to start out by 10:00am or earlier. The drive is about 3 1/2 hours but the road is narrow & should be done in daylight. And you will save a lot on the airfare.

Don’t bother bringing the car to the island - unnecessary & complicated. There is a safe & secure spot next to one of the water taxi companies - Taxi 25.

1 week itineraries:

Rent a car and head to El Valle/Santa Clara area for 2 nights - about 2 hour drive outside PC.

Head back to PC over to Portobello and Isla Grande for 2 nights ( at Bananas Resort on Isla Grande) for decent snorkling.(1-2 hour drive from PC)

Spend the other three night in PC - when in PC don’t drive take taxis - easier quicker.

Don’t bother with Boquete area - you will lose two days driving.


Panama Discovery - 15 days

Highlights include:

* Panama Canal
* Casco Viejo, Panama City
* Miraflores Locks
* El Valle
* Pedasi, Azuero Peninsula
* Playa Venao
* Isla Iguana
* Santa Catalina
* Coiba National Park
* Bahia de Chiriqui
* Cerro Punta
* Waterfalls, rivers and hot springs
* Amistad National Park
* Quetzal Trail to Boquete
* Canopy Tours and Coffee Plantation
* Paradise Gardens
* Sailing and snorkeling at Bocas del Toro

PC taxi world


Wherever you decide to go, make your reservations as soon as you can, because that week between Christmas and New Years is a very popular time for Panamanians and tourists to go to Boquete, Cerro Punta and El Valle.

Tripadvisor Guide Expert

Posted: August 29, 2010in:

2010 温哥华的夏天 - 行程


10day/9nights Vancouver - Victoria Islands Itineraries

June 30

Fly to Seattle(SEA) through Alaska Airline, 1 stop at SJO. (recommend Alaska Airline)

Rent compact at Hertz, and get Toyota Hybrid Prius. (stealing deal)

Drive to Vancouver through Hwy 5, board cross at Peach Arch Provincial park. Traffic is ok, it is about 3 1/2 to 4 hours.

Check in at Hyatt Regency Vancouver. (room is modern style, bed is very good. pool is outdoor, not impressive. $28/night parking, gee~ this is bad, no free wifi/internet)

Dine at 麒麟海鲜酒家 (7900 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC (604) 303-8833). Several friends recommend it, but our experience is not very good, I will rate ok but not great.

July 1 (Canada Day)

Worm spent the whole day doing hair straightening at 美发轩 (Maggie, Unit2127, 3779 Sexsmith Rd, Richmond), it is about five hours.

Lunch at 王記台灣牛肉面 (8390 Granville Street), so-so, not very impressive.

Later afternoon, we visit the Vancouver water front around convention center for Canada national day actives. Then watch the night parade.

Dine at 悦海大酒家(1088 Melville St. Vancouver, (604) 669-8383), close to Hyatt hotel, but very hard to find the entrance. Few people, quiet, food is ok.

July 2

Day trip to Whistler, sea to sky drive.

It is about 3~4 hours drive, about 8 to 10 stops at the road. The view is good, little town, harbor, waterfall etc, nothing fancy but worth a day trip.

Whistler peak to peak Gondola is the highlight, a must experience. We spent quiet a lot time at the snow mountains. Tried all types of gondola, and saw a little black bear cub on the way downhills.

The lunch at Whistler is too expensive, $15 for just a burger. We should prepare sandwich ourselves.

Dine at 上海一只鼎 (Unit 120, 8100 Ackroyd Rd. , Richmond . 604-278-8789). Friday night no reservation, wait about 30 min. The food is good, we recommend it but better make a reservation first, since it is a small restaurant.

July 3
North Vancouver - Downtown Vancouver

Visit the Lynn Canyon Suspension bridge for free, instead of famous Capilano Suspension Bridge. Hiking about 1 hour.

We spend the rest of day at Stanley park, driving around, taking pictures, hiking and clam digging. So many fun.

Dine at 帝苑海鲜酒家(7997 Westminster Highway, Richmond, 604-249-0080), since that weekend the lobster is special. Be there at 5:30pm just before the open time, so got a table. Otherwise you need a reservation since the tables are filled up quickly. We love the food there. Recommend.

July 4
Western Vancouver - Horseshoe bay - Nanaimo - Tofino

Check out hotel and went to VanDusen Botanical Garden. Since some tourists recommend it. Cheaper than the Butchart Gardens at Victoria island.

Go dim sum at 置地广场楼上(I need to find the restaurant name). Very crowed at Sunday noon. Have to wait about 1 hour since we did not make a reservation. The feel eating there bring me back to Hong Kong. The lady at frond desk is amazing, more stories later. The food is half-half, some is good, some is so-so. If I do not have to wait that long, I will recommend it.

After lunch, we rush to Horseshoe bay for 3pm ferry. Just in time. Ferry to Victoria island is about 2 hours. Then it is another 3 hours drive to Tofino.

Check in Blue Bear B&B. Great, nice lady owner. recommend.

July 5

Ocean Outfitters whale watch
Three hours morning tour, caught six grey whales. Not bad.
The sea is rough.

Afternoon we spot several beaches, including the pacific rim long beach. Low tide, very impressive on the size of the beach.

In the evening we drive out photo hunting for bear. Stop at Uclenet, now we understand why that town is not as good as Tofino, luckily I didn’t rent a B&B there.

On diet, on budget, free breakfast, but for rest of day we like instant noodles plus some fruits/snacks.

July 6
Tofino - Victoria

In the morning we check out and visit another two local beaches, for tide pool and beach combing.

Then it is a long 5 hour drive on the road.

Check in at Marriott Victoria Inner Harbor. Room is nice, the indoor pool, hot tub are great. free internet, parking is $15/night. Recommend.

Victoria inner harbor sunset view, romantic and relax feel. It is more like a tourist town.

Dine at Japanese village restaurant for light food. It is ok, nothing fancy.

July 7
Explore Victoria

Local scenic drive. Visit Sidney, and several local beaches. Well, overall, the local beach is not as good as Tofino for sure.

Lunch at Redfish Bluefish, highly recommend, the halibut is very fresh. Check out Yelp, so many people love it.

Dine at a local family Chinese restaurant, and order some Xinjiang food. Good value and good taste.

July 8

Check out hotel, leave at 8:00am for 10:30am vehicle ferry from Victoria BC to Port Angeles WA. The lock down time is 1 1/2 hour for immigration procedure.

Unfortunately since we did not reserve in advance ($15 extra reservation fee), we are out of luck since the ferry is full and they cut the line two cars before us.

Have to wait another 4 hours for the next. Walk and lunch at Fisherman wharf. Order at Barb’s fish & chip, about same price as redfish bluefish but you can tell the piece of fish is much smaller.

Take 3pm ferry and arrive Port Angeles at 5pm. Decide to go Sol Duct hot springs at Olympic NP as planned. The spring is crowed, but we enjoy the smelly hot water.

Left at 9pm, arrive hotel at 12pm, this is a long drive since too late to catch the ferry to Seattle, instead a big deep loop at Hwy 5.

July 9
Holiday Inn Seattle-Renton is a good option for SEA airport hotel . No extra parking fee, free internet, onsite gas station. 10 min drive to airport. $42/night through the priceline is a good deal.

Fly back home, sweet home at night.

Posted: July 12, 2010in:




2009 温哥华25道首本名菜欣赏

海港大酒楼 > 鸿星,叙香园,钓鱼台 > 王府井,英记,富大 > 加乐,南海渔村,金满楼,龙皇鲍翅,大同

台湾牛肉大王 (台式)
GUU (日本)
老干妈火锅, 金牛海鲜火锅(火锅)
麒麟海鲜酒家 (粤菜)

列治文夜市: 这个我一定要逛,超喜欢这调调。

地點: 12631 Vulcan Way, Richmond(一樣Home Depot後面
日期: 2009-05-21~2009-9-26
時間:星期五 07:00pm ~ 12:00am
星期六 07:00pm ~ 12:00am
星期日 07:00pm ~ 11:00am (含星期一國定假日)

VQA(Vintnes Quality Alliance)。想带几瓶回来,这东东当地Costco有没有呢?

Posted: June 20, 2010in:

Priceline Still Works

今天开始订旅馆租车,Seattle, Vancouver 这样的大城市,Priceline的价格是绝对有优势的。看看我今天晚上的成绩:

Compact Car bid:
Hertz @ SEA airport, $15/day, total charge $246/9days.
网上最便宜查到的要$28/day, 还是不起眼的小公司。

Hotel at Seattle bid:
$42/night, total charge $55/night. 网站官方价格: Rooms available from $109.00/night
No hassles and no parking fees.

Holiday Inn Seattle-Renton
ten minutes from SeaTac Airport, twenty minutes from the SuperMall, you can not get better location than this.

Hotel at Vancouver bid:
Hyatt Regency Vancouver (4*)
$100/night, total charge $476/4 nights. 官方网站价格 Total Price Per Room: 996.00 CAD/4nights before tax.

Victoria 4* bid fail at $100/night and 3* bid fail at $65/night. Will try it later.

今晚第四次试着bid Victoria的旅馆,最后$105/night拿下,难道加币贬值有帮助?

Marriott Victoria Inner Harbor
,total $251.32/2 nights. 官方网站价格 $169 CAD/night before tax.

另附Tofino/Ucluelet 预订B&B的秘诀:
info@tourismtofino.com 一封邮件给Tofino Tourism, 会群发到两地所有的旅馆B&B业者,接下来就是慢慢比较选择最满意的了。

我们最终的选择:Blue Bear B&B C$150/night

Posted: June 3, 2010in: